Museum field trips and school programs

Heritage Square offers diverse education opportunities including the A Golden Vision program for LAUSD Title 1 and schools within our community.

We also offer customized field trip visits for Public, Private and Home Schools. Cost per person/student varies for students and chaperones attending the tour.

To book, please contact Danelle at 323-225-2700 ext. 224 or email her at

Engaging Los Angeles Students with Living History

  • Decorative finial

    A Golden Vision


    A Golden Vision: The Growth of Southern California® is an educational program designed for third, fourth and fifth grade students to promote historical and social literacy through architecture, art, literature, mathematics and living history exhibits.

  • Illustration of decorative victorian style finial

    School Tours


    School tours are available for grades K-12 and are a fun way for students to explore and learn about the history of Los Angeles.

Why Hands-On History?

“Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.”

A Golden Vision: Classroom Program

A Golden Vision: The Growth of Southern California® is a free educational program designed for third, fourth and fifth grade students from LAUSD Title 1 and local schools to promote historical literacy and instill community pride and an appreciation for art and local history through architecture, literature, art, mathematics and living history activities.

A Golden Vision is one of only a few museum programs in Southern California that has a focus on “living history,” whereby the students have an opportunity to experience hands on, object-based history. The idea behind this concept is “Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.” The living history components serve as a foundation from which students can gain knowledge, and beyond that, understanding.

We Provide the Tools for Teaching Our History

Classroom curriculum that aligns with state standards

Teachers are given curriculum as part of the program. The curriculum helps students understand cultural, social, economic and industrial changes taking place in California and particularly Los Angeles, during the Victorian Era. The curriculum complies with the California Department of Education standards and covers various subject matters including reading, mathematics and critical thinking.

Special 19th-Century school lesson

A Heritage Square Museum volunteer will visit each participating classroom and teach a period appropriate school lesson.

Field trip to bring the lessons to life

The finale of the program is a visit to the museum. While here, the class participates in a guided tour, explores the grounds, participates in living history activities and plays period games. The tour is designed to use the buildings and collections of the museum as a means of bringing the lessons to life.

Students leave their impact on the museum

An art project, completed in the classroom by the students at the end of their experience, will be displayed at the museum.

Bring A Golden Vision to your classroom!

Please contact Danelle at 323-225-2700 ext. 224 or email her at for more information.

School Tours: Field Trips

School Tours at Heritage Square Museum give your students an opportunity to see and understand what life was like in historic Los Angeles. The information presented on tour is always grade level appropriate and tailored to the subject matter topics of your choice and the students’ interests.

With all of the different types of structures, styles of architecture and multitude of artifacts present at Heritage Square, students will leave here having learned about more than just the target subject matter.

Tours are approx. 45 minutes long. Heritage Square can accommodate 60 students per day and we ask for one adult chaperone for every 10 students.

You are welcome to have lunch on the grounds but please note that we do not have a food vendor. Gift Shop will be open during your visit.

Student Admission Rates:
Grades K-6 are $5/student
Grades 7-12 are $10/student
Teachers are given free admission
Chaperones are $10/person

School Garden

In 19th-century Los Angeles, urban schoolteachers realized many kids did not know where their food came from. They came up with the concept to teach about agriculture, cooperation, how vegetables grow, and how to plant things by creating school gardens.

In a sense, they were a precursor to the victory gardens of World Wars I and II.

Here at Heritage Square, we have our own School Garden that allows us to show children from our community how their food is planted, grown and cared for.

We grow tomatoes, oranges, squash, broccoli, onions, garlic, eggplant and other seasonal vegetables.

Your students will be able to explore the garden and pick some produce to take home with them.

Bring your students to Heritage Square!

Please contact Danelle at 323-225-2700 ext. 224 or email her at to reserve a tour.